Commissioner Pioppo
Our Pioppo helps Commissioner Di Bernardo to solve intricate cases in the new book of our friend Natasha Korsakova!
Our Pioppo helps Commissioner Di Bernardo to solve intricate cases in the new book of our friend Natasha Korsakova!
A very lovely evening after being invited by the British Ambassador to her residence for the annual pre-Christmas festivities. .
Treasure Rome Magazine gives good tips! Read the post!
How is a cat declined in Latin? Friends of Schola Catilina know this! read the post!
Stichting Buitenlandse Asielen – SBA 25 October In de ruïnes van 4 tempels in het Largo di Torre Argentine in Rome, vinden veel katten hun geluk. In de ondergrondse ruimten van een van de tempels worden door veel (ook internationale) vrijwilligers katten liefdevol opgevangen. Dat kan zijn nadat de kat gewond is geraakt of verwaarloosd wordt gevonden. Er is een programma opgezet om katten te steriliseren of te castreren, om het aantal kittens terug te dringen. Dit is een zeer succesvol programma. Merkbaar is dat het besef over preventief steriliseren/castreren onder de Romeinen positief aan het veranderen is. Veel katten vinden […]
Youtuber Half-asleep Chris knows the answer
Celebration of the first 25 years of our shelter!
Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary is proud to announce a worldwide meeting of its friends and supporters on the occasion of its first 25 years of activity, to be held on 19 October 2019. 25 years of fighting to reduce the number of strays and to care for less fortunate cats. 25 years in which we saw the Roman cat declared the “city’s bio-cultural heritage”, and we marched the streets of Rome for the first Cat Pride. 25 years, often difficult, that saw us fighting for the colony and that have always seen people from many countries, of many backgrounds, of […]
A great victory for Roman cats! read the post
Italian journalist Giselda Curzi celebrates August 8th Read the post